Who are we
Michi LEPADAT (ProLex, Roumanie) | |
Walter WELTING (ANPV, Pays Bas) | |
Presentation CESP 2005 (ppt) [415 KB] |
September 2013 | 29th Executive Committee Ohrid (FYROM) | On 13th and 14th September 2013, the European Council of Police Unions (CESP) attended its executive Committee in Ohrid on the topic “The influence of personal points of view on police officers’ professionalism” The CESP members recall : Their commitments to the European Code of Police Ethics; the value added by Ethics to activities; the rights and obligations of police officers defending democracy. During the introduction of the theme, the following question was asked: « Can a police officer have his own opinion of citizen, and to what extent can this opinion affect his police officer’s professionalism?” The CESP remains that within a democratic system, each ethical police officer has a professional obligation to enforce law. The CESP, which 25th anniversary was celebrated, has been honored by the presence of the Minister of the Interior, the Director of Police, and Jean – Marie Heydt, President of the INGOs’ Conference of the Council of Europe. |
November 2012 | 28th Executive Committee of Tirana (Albania) | The European Council of Police Trade Unions (CESP) – representing 350 000 police officers from 20 countries (13 of which are members of the European Union) grouping 21 unions – held its Executive Committee in Tirana on November 2nd and 3rd 2012 on the theme: "Psycho-traumatic Situations in the Police Forces – Prevention and Reparation” CESP members remind that: Police officers are permanently exposed, due to the nature of their work, to incidents characterized by unpredictability, by threats of danger for their physical integrity or by contact with death (road accidents, shootings, suicides, homicides, etc.). Psychologically, generated suffering may be so high that, following the development of this disorder, problems of anxiety, depression, and abuse of psychotropic drugs, divorce and even suicide among police officers may appear. CESP members ask for: Confidentiality the issue of confidentiality is very important; a police officer who seeks psychological help must feel protected and not exposed by his superiors. The success of such programs is based on the confidence of the police officers and his colleagues or counselors. Preventive action including a training program, the teaching of effective strategies of stress management that would be specific to the work place and also exercises of simulation using a scenario (visualization of a shooting, a fight, a familial difference, etc.) Quick post-traumatic support, provided by dedicated specialized services, as the type of support immediately received after the trauma has an impact on the rapidity and the quality of the recovery. Assessment of physical reactions to anxiety, of negative emotional reactions, of an acute stress disorder after trauma in order to identify more quickly persons likely to develop post-traumatic symptoms. |
March 2012 | 8th Congress of CESP Santander (Spain) | The CESP held its congress in Santander (Spain) from 14th to 16th March 2012. The main topic was:“Police force in the heart of the economic crisis - Place and role of the police citizen” On this occasion a new Executive Bureau has been elected: President: Branko PRAH (PSS - Slovenia) Secretary General: Gérard GRENERON (SNOP-SCSI - France) Treasurer: Johannes IMMEL (BDK - Germany) Deputy General Secretaries: Mario COIMBRA (ASFIC/PJ – Portugal) Massimo DENARIER (SAP - Italy) Mihalis KARAMALAKIS (POAXIA - Greece) Tihomir KLIMOSKI (MPS – FYROM) Michi LEPADAT (Prolex – Romania) Charalambos SOCRATOUS (CPA – Cyprus) Walter WELTING (ANVP – Netherlands) Since the Congress of 2008, four new countries have joined it: Montenegro, Albania, Lithuania and Ukraine. |
May 2011 | Executive Committee of Budva (Montenegro) | On 6 and 7 May, the CESP held its Executive Committee in Budva with the following topic: Claims of Police Unions: Vectors of the fight against corruption. The objective of the CESP is to increase European governments awareness and convince them to respect the principles of the European Code of Police Ethics (COE Rec. 2001.10) and of integrating its union claims developed in: The Demand Platform (Text adopted by the Executive Committee of Leipzig- May 2006) The Police Officer European Charter (Text adopted by the Executive Committee of Berlin – September 2000) The texts of the CESP bring proposals to reinforce the fight against corruption and CESP requests the implementation by States of the necessary means for the three main objectives vectors of fight against corruption: Recruitment and training, means and functional independence. |
June 2010 | Executive Committee of Kranjska Gora (Slovenia) | Last 16 and 17 June, the Executive Committee of the CESP was held in Slovenia. The topic was “"The departure age of retirement to be postponed: towards the police with several speeds?”The leaders of the 19 unions, members of the CESP, declared worried about the governmental decisions aiming at pushing back the departure age of retirement in the police forces. They debated, made some proposals and defined demands related to the specificity of the police officer’s profession.On this occasion, the Albanian Police Union - Sindikata Punonjesve te Policise Shtetit Shqiperi – became the permanent representative of the 18th member state of the CESP. |
October 2009 | Executive Committee of Saint Julian’s (Malta) | Theme : “When somebody attacks a Police Officer, it's an attack on Democracy!” Currently, society is challenged with economical, social and moral crises, institutional values have been weakened. Not only authorities such as the police are rejected on a daily basis, but anyone else which represents the state, such as firemen, teachers or even emergency doctors, bus drivers, etc. This fact is proven by the increasing number of offenses and the number of injured or killed police officers while carrying out their duties. At the same time the mass media plays an important role in order to increase their audience and they do not hesitate to trivialize daily attacks against police officers whereas they increase and intensify police actions which are there to keep the order are often blamed first when there is a social unrest and they are even burdened with the “presumption of guilt”. One could therefore ask the question: who defends the defenders? |
May 2009 | Executive Committee of Sarajevo (Bosnia & Herzegovina) | Theme: "The Economic Crisis: its influence on the labour legal relations and social status of the police officers as well as its influence on the possible rise of the crime". The union of the Montenegro police Sindikat Uprave Policije, became full member of the CESP. |
October 2008 | Congress in Novi Sad - Serbia | 23 to 25.10.2008 7th Congress of the CESP The European Council of Police unions (CESP) held its 7th Congress in Novi Sad (Serbia), from 23 to 25 October 2008, on the occasion of its 20th anniversary. The main theme was: 1988 – CESP – 2008 From a divided Europe to a united Europe “Rights and duties of the police citizen” During the Congress, the new Executive Bureau of the CESP has been elected by the 80 representatives of the 17 police unions coming from 16 European countries. |
May 2008 | Executive Committee of Wageningen (Netherlands) | Theme: “Is Terrorism the real problem?” Collective Complaint n°38/2006 The Committee concluded to the violation by France of the Article 4, paragraph 2 of the European Social Charter |
October 2007 | Executive Committee of Bucharest (Romania) |
Theme : “Statutes of the police officers” Liberal Politics versus union rights? |
May 2007 | Executive Committee of Rimini (Italy) |
Theme : “Specifics rights for a specific job” The three Collective Complaints introduced by the CESP have been declared admissible, n° 37/2006 v. Portugal, n° 38/2006 v. France and n° 40/2007 v. Portugal. |
May 2006 | Executive Committee of Leipzig (Germany) | Theme: "The importance of police unions in strengthening the European Union as an area of freedom, security and justice". Adoption of a demand platform concerning all the European police officers. |
September 2005 | 6th Congress in Varna – Bulgaria | Theme : "The new challenges of the policemen's training in an enlarged Europe" The USSPFBiH (Bosnie & Herzégovine) union becomes a member of the CESP. |
May 2005 | Executive Committee in Velenje - Slovenia | Theme : "Enlargement and Security - One year later" |
July 2004 | Inscription of the CESP in the CONECCS database of the European | (Consultation, European Commission and Civil Society) http:// ... Link |
15th-16th May 2004 | Meeting of the Executive Committee - Gdansk (Poland) Theme : "An Europe with equal work conditions for all its Police Officers" |
Presentation of the surveys: "Police Pay and Careers of the Police Officers in Europe" "Material Situation of the Police Officers and their family in Poland" |
May 2003 Geneva (Switzerland) |
Registration of the CESP on the list of the Bureau for Workers' Activities (ACTRAV) of the International Labour Office (OIT) at Geneva | |
9 – 10 May 2003 Nicosia (Cyprus) |
Meeting of the Executive Committee | Theme: Human Trade for Sexual Exploitation (Trafficking) ANPV (Netherlands) becomes a member of the CESP bringing to 18 the number of countries being represented: |
14 – 16 November 2002 Strasbourg (France) |
5th Congress of the CESP | “ The European citizenship in a space of Liberty, of Security and Justice” LPTU ( Lithuania) becomes a member of the CESP Nomination of a new Executive Bureau |
10 – 12 May 2002 Oporto (Portugal) |
Meeting of the Executive Committee | Theme “The organisation of the police to ensure security in Europe” |
19 - 21 October 2001 Alicante |
Meeting of the Executive Committee | Theme "The Police in a space of Liberty and of Security in Europe". |
26 - 27 September 2000 Berlin |
Meeting of the Executive Committee | Theme "The European police officer in the 21st " Nomination of Antoni DUDA, Charged of Mission. |
6 – 8 November 1999 Sofia (Bulgaria) |
Meeting of the Executive Committee Official launching of a stamp in commemoration of the 1Oth anniversary of the CESP, by the Bulgarian Ministry of telecommunications |
Theme "The Civic control of the police " Nomination of three charged of mission: Assia MIHAYLOVA, José Luis GALDON and Jean-Pierre DONNAY-WOUTERS |
17 – 19 March 1999 Athens (Greece) |
4th Congress of the CESP | "The police officer in front of the European reality " The SAPB (Belgium) and the ASPP (Portugal) become full members of the C.E.S.P. Nomination of a new Executive Bureau, President Michel ALBIN, Secretary General Gérard GRENERON, Treasurer Johannes IMMEL. |
6 - 7 November 1998 Lille (France) |
Meeting of the Executive Committee | Preparation of the Congress of Athens. Debate on the functioning of the CESP |
31 March 1998 Strasbourg (France) |
Registration of the CESP on the NGO list entitled to make collective claims | |
25 - 27 March 1998 Ohrid (Fyrom) |
Meeting of the Executive Committee | Debate on "the status and treatments of the police officers in Europe" et "Trade-union liberty and representation in Europe polices" |
28 January 1998 Strasbourg (France) |
The CESP is elected at he NGO Joint Commission | |
23 - 25 April 1997 Legionowo (Poland) |
Meeting of the Executive Committee | Adhesion of M.P.S. (FYROM) Debate on "the recruitment and the training of the police officer in Europe". |
19 - 22 Mars 1996 Budapest (Hungary) |
3rd Congress of the CESP | Theme "Our rights guarantee your liberties" Election of Miguel MARTIN PEDRAZ (SPP) at the position of President of the CESP, Resignation of Miguel MARTIN PEDRAZ Election of Michel ALBIN (SNOP). Roger BOUILLER is elected Secretary General, Kurt LEHR, Treasurer and Laszlo BALASZ, Executive Adviser. |
21 - 23 June 1995 Trojanovice (Czech Republic) |
Meeting of the Executive Committee | Adhesion of GRA (Ireland), of MPA (Malta) and of PSS (Slovenia) Debate on " the democratic changes in the polices of Central Europe countries and the role of the trade-unions. Preparation of the Congress of Budapest. |
9 - 11 November 1994 Berlin (Germany) |
Meeting of the Executive Committee | Held on the occasion of Kripo International, seminar organised by the BDK under the theme "The State of Right and the international networks of the organised crime 1st participation of the SAPJ (Belgium) |
29 Sept. - 1 Oct. 1994 Taormina (Italy) |
1st participation of the CESP in a seminar of the Council of Europe acting as expert |
Theme of the seminar : "Exclusion, equality in front of the law and non-discrimination". |
13 - 15 December 1993 Milan (Italy) |
1st multilateral meeting about Schengen |
Meeting of SAP-SNAPC-SPP on Schengen’s agreements. This kind of meeting will be followed by 3 others: at Laspaules, Spain -from 9 to 11 March1994 between the SPP, SNAPC, SAP et ASFIC; at Lille, France - from 21 to 23 September 1994 between the SNAPC, lFSPB, SAPJ ACP; and at Metz, France - from 15 to 17 March 1995 between the SNAPC, BDK and the FSFP. The conclusions of theses meetings result in a document given to all the European authorities. |
22 – 24 September 1993 Nicosia (Cyprus) |
Meeting of the Executive Committee | Debate on "Purification and police after the collapse of an authoritarian regime", "drug and absence of penalisation" and "The Cyprian policemen missing in Cyprus". Decision is taken to organise the 3RD Congress at Budapest in 1996. |
20 May 1993 Lisbon (Portugal) |
Support demonstration to ASPP | Presence of a delegation of the CESP at the head of the support demonstration to ASPP for the union rights defence |
3 - 6 November 1992 Strasbourg (France) |
2nd Congress of the CESP | Held in the Palace of Europe under the theme "Policemen in the Europe of the Citizen". Presence of very important personalities. Adoption of the Police European Charter. Election of an Executive Bureau with 4 members. |
October 1992 Lyon (France) |
1st magazine of the CESP | 1st issue of "Solidarity of the European Police ". This publication presents the 2nd Congress of the CESP |
6 - 8 May 1992 Budapest (Hungary) |
Meeting of the Executive Committee | Adhesion of the NOSP (Czech Republic), of NPS (Bulgaria) et de NSZZP (Poland) Debate on "the union right in the police", "The Police co-operation in Europe", and preparation of the 2ND Congress.. Laszlo REKVENYI (FRSZ) is elected President. |
6 - 8 November 1991 Athens (Greece) |
Meeting of the Executive Committee | Presence of the NOSP (Czech Republic), NSZZP (Poland), NPOP (Bulgaria), GRA (Eire), FSGB (Belgium), ANPU (Spain) as observers. Debate on "a civil police in a civil society", "a new police in Central Europe", Konstantin SIGOUNIS (EKA) is elected President. |
15 - 17 May 1991 Budapest (Hungary) |
1st participation of the CESP | Conference about "Politics and Citizens" at a Conference of the Council of’ Europe |
17 - 19 April 1991 Madrid (Spain) |
Meeting of the Executive Committee | Adhesion of BDK and FRSZ. Presence of GRA (Ireland), ASPP (Portugal), FSGB (Belgium) OZP ZNB (Slovakia), NSZZP (Poland) as observers. Debate on Police and environment, the State of Right and Police trade-union and the training of the police officer –Human Rights and Efficiency. Julien VANDER VOORDEN (FSPB) is elected President. |
1 - 2 December 1990 Budapest (Hungary) |
1st meeting in an Central Europe Country | Debate on the union right and the police officer’s status with FRSZ (Hungary) and OZP ZNB (Slovakia) |
3 - 5 October 1990 Meyzieu (France) |
Meeting of the Executive Committee | Presence of BDK, FSFP (Switzerland) and FRSZ (Hungary) as observers. Debate on racism, Interpol and private polices. Alain BRILLET (SNAPC) is elected President |
16 September 1990 Strasbourg (France) |
Council of Europe | Obtaining of the NGO consultative status near the Council of Europe. |
5 - 6 April 1990 Lisbon (Portugal) |
Meeting of the Executive Committee | Adhesion of CPA (Cyprus) Presence of BDK as observer. Debate on the use of firearms by the police forces for social troubles. Manuel CARVALHO (Portugal) is elected President |
5 - 6 October 1989 Venice (Italy) |
1st Congress of the CESP | Theme : "In Europe, Police + Autonomous Union = Liberty + Security" Adhesion of the FSPB (Belgium) Presence of BDK (Germany) as observer Rachéle SCHETTINI (SAP) is elected President, Roger BOUILLER, administrative secretary and Miguel MARTIN PEDRAZ, treasurer. |
6 - 7 June 1989 Bilbao (Spain) |
Meeting SNAPC / SPP | Declaration against terrorism. |
20 - 21 April 1989 Athens (Greece) |
Meeting of the Executive Committee | Support to Portuguese and Greek police officers whom their State refuses the recognition of the union right. |
13 - 14 December 1988 Avila (Spain) |
Constitutive Assembly of the CESP | Creation of the CESP by SNAPC, SPP, SAP, EKA and ENAA. ASFIC, absent of the meeting associates with the decisions taken. The President is Miguel MARTIN PEDRAZ, of the SPP. The presidency is turned round (6 months) Roger BOUILLER is elected Administrative Secretary |
15 - 16 June 1988 Lyon (France) |
1st official meeting SNAPC / SPP |
Elaboration of a project for the creation of an European union space of state polices |
8 August 1987 Madrid (Spain) |
1st meeting SPP/SNAPC | Roger BOUILLER, Regional Secretary SNAPC in Lyon, meets with the President of the SPP, Miguel MARTIN PEDRAZ to throw the bases of the connection of both the unions |
Founded in 1988 in Avila (Spain), the European Council of Police Unions is made up of some 280,000 police officers in 18 countries of Europe. In 1991, it was officially recognised by the Council of Europe as a Non-Governmental Organisation with a consultative status and is a member of the Joint Commission of the NGO since 1998.
The CESP is the outcome of a project to create a European Union Space for polices and from this, came an agreement to form an independent organisation when the opening of borders became a reality.
It appeared necessary to the founders of the European Council of Police Unions to organise various ideas to harmonise police and judicial structures from within a credible and representative organisation. This vision of the future of Europe is, before everything, an economic necessity and concerns each European citizen by the new regulations coming from it, and the effect they will have on freedoms. At the heart of the debate of course, is the security that each State must ensure its citizens and which must also be considered at European level.
In the absence of institutional responses, one of the objectives of the European Council of Police Unions is to be a professional force to make propositions in all types of crime enforcement.
The European Council of Police Unions, independent and profoundly attached to the principles of the Declaration of Human Rights, makes constructive claims towards the European institutions and national governments. It is working to implement real police co-operation free from political considerations. The free circulation of people must not in any way allow a country to become a sanctuary for different sorts of criminals. The guarantee of individual freedoms will exist because of this co-operation.
Likewise, the European Council of Police Union is attached to the idea that trade-union freedom in the police should be respected in every country of Europe. Police trade-unionism must be a necessary counter-power to avoid abuse of the police by a government. The activity of police trade-union organisations must also have a pedagogical role, and show that the police do not only have a role in the suppression of crime, but also in guaranteeing citizens’ rights.
During its Second Congress, celebrated at the Council of Europe in Strasbourg in November 1992, the European Council of Police Unions ratified the European Charter of the Police Officer, and presented it to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe in order to obtain a directive.
The III° Congress held at Budapest (Hungary) in March 1996 and gave to CESP a new breath: the adoption of new statutes, reflections closer the policemen professional worries.
The IV° Congress of the CESP held in Athens in March 1999 ,on this occasion
it has fixed several objectives at the time where Europe builds all days. One of them is to participate actively to the creation of a judicial and police European space.
It claims the right to make hear the voice of its 280 000 professionals of the security, on the ground every day and confronted with the functioning problems that harm to the efficiency of police of Europe.
The Executive Committee held in November 1999 at Sofia (Bulgaria) has been
the opportunity to see the issue of a stamp, commemorating the 10th birthday of the CESP, published by the Bulgarian Ministry of the telecommunications. This meeting has equally been marked by the update of the European Charter of the Policeman.
The city of Berlin has welcomed the Executive Committee of the CESP organised by the BDK on 26 and 27 September 2000, the theme was " The European police of the XXI° Century ". This study that just begins aims to examine the recruitment, the training and the job of the policeman, essential actor of the debate of our society.
The Executive Committee held at Alicante (Spain) – from 19 to 21 October 2001 - on the theme " The Police in a European space of liberty and security". It has been the opportunity to salute the memory of Miguel Martin PEDRAZ, former President of the SPP, member founder and former President of the CESP dead in May 2001.
The CESP has used for the 1st time of its right of Collective Complaint against Portugal for the wrong application of the article 5 and the article 6, paragraph 2 of the European Social Charter with regard to policemen of the Portuguese Public Security (Complaint n° 11/2001, declared receivable by the Committee on 17th October 2001).
From 10 to 12 May 2002, the city of Oporto (Portugal) has welcomed the Executive Committee on the theme "The organisation of the police force to guarantee the European security" – The conclusions need a real political will to organise EUROPOL under the form of an operational structure of European criminal investigation in close relationship with an European judicial organisation of the EUROJUST style and not to limit the former only to the exchange and collection of criminal information.
The European Council of Police Trade Unions (C.E.S.P), has held its 5th Congress at Strasbourg from 14 to 16 November 2002, placed under the patronage of Mr Walter SCHWIMMER, Secretary-General of the Council of Europe. Its theme was:
"The European Citizenship by the Liberty, the Security and the Justice".
Some 100 participants have elected a new Executive Bureau extended to seven members and have endowed with new statuses.
This meeting has seen the family of the CESP enlarged with the adhesion of the Lithuanian policemen, represented by the L.P.T.U. - Lithuanian Police Trade Union –
This Congress has been the opportunity to remind the attachment of the CESP to the norms of the Council of Europe, that are the European Convention of the Human rights, texts concerning the Police and notably the European Ethics code of the Police (Recommendations 10/2001 of 19th September 2001).
Last May 2003, the CESP was registered on the list of the Bureau for Workers' Activities (ACTRAV) of the International Labour Office at Geneva (OIT).
On 9th and 10th May, the Executive Committee met in Nicosia (Cyprus). One subject of the meetings was the theme of the Human Trade for Sexual Exploitation (Trafficking),
The membership of the Dutch trade-union, Algemene Nederlandse Politie Vereniging (ANPV), was warmly approved by the members, thus bringing to 19 the number of member organisations of the CESP.