13.07.2005 - CESP

Home Office
Direct Communications Unit

Mr G. Greneron CESP
39 bis Rue de Marseille
69067 LYON

Reference: T24101/5

Your Reference: SEC.GEN.1622005 13 July 2005

Dear Mr Greneron.

Thank you for your letter of 7 July 2005 about expressing sympathy wich the victims of the bombing outrage in London an 7 July.

Your sentiments and Support are greatly appreciated, and I am sure It will hearten those who were affectad by this tragedy to know that so many people worlwide are ti!inking of them.

We are making every effort to provide help to all those affected by this tragic event, including the families and friends of those who were so sadly bereaved.

Thank you for taking the time to write in.

Yours sincerly

Emma Boolaky
Direct Communications Unit

(C) 2004 - Tous droits réservés

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