Conseil Européen des Syndicats de Police

International Non-governmental Organisation of the Council of Europe

CESP, actor of the European area of Freedom, Security and Justice

16.12.2013 CESP CESP European calls up Commissioner Cecilia MALMSTRÖM
13.12.2013 CESP Executive Bureau meeting
29.11.2013 ASPP PSP & ASFIC PJ CESP European calls up Commissioner Cecilia MALMSTRÖM
26.11.2013 CESP Council of Europe - Launch of European Drug Prevention Prize 2014 - Call for application of projects 
21.11.2013 CESP The Portuguese press relays the presence of the Secretary – General of CESP, along with Portuguese policemen in the unitary manifestation of the Internal Security Forces. Lisbon November 21st 2013
19.11.2013 SAP Police demonstrations in Italy
15.11.2013 CESP Demonstration of the Portuguese Internal Security Forces on November 21st 2013
07.11.2013 CESP Union rights for the gendarmes 
06.11.2013 CESP / ASFIC-PJ Portuguese judiciary police on strike
30.10.2013 CESP Collective Complaint n°101/2013 CESP against France
18.10.2013 CESP CESP supports the action of ASFIC/PJ (Portugal)
30.09.2013 CESP The CESP becomes a training center
29.09.2013 CESP Educational workshop and sport games in Serbia
24.09.2013 BDK Bund Deutscher Kriminalbeamter (BDK) Congress
13.09.2013 CESP Executive committee in Ohrid (FYROM) – 25th anniversary of CESP
27.06.2013 CESP/INGO Recommendation of the INGO’s Conference – Tunisian Police
17.06.2013 CESP Same missions / same constraints = same rights!
20.06.2013 CESP/OING CESP commits to the ONE and FIVE Campaign
28.05.2013 CESP/SPP 18th Congress of SPP in Murcia (Spain)
24.05.2013 CESP CESP meets the two Tunisian Police Unions in Tunis (Tunisia)
15.05.2013 CESP/SAP Memorial Day - Per non dimenticare - Aoste (Italie)
18.04.2013 ASFIC/PJ Seventh Congress of ASFIC/PJ
07.04.2013 CESP/SAP Cervia / Italia
22.03.2013 CESP Seminar of the Observatoire Tunisien de la Sécurité Globale (O.T.S.G.) - Tunis (Tunisia)
19.02.2013 CESP Working Group ‘’Polices with civil or military status’’
12.02.2013 CESP - INGOs Assassination of Chokri Belaid, defender of democracy and human rights in Tunisia
31.01.2013 CESP INGO Conference – Working Group on Lanzarote Convention
14.01.2013 SCSI/SNOP - CESP Greeting 2013 and 40th anniversary
26.11.2012 ASFIC/PJ ASFIC/PJ thanks CESP’s members
21.11.2012 CESP Mobilization of the members of the CESP for the ASFI/PJ
03.11.2012 CESP Final Resolution of the 28th Executive Committee in Tirana (Albania)
23.10.2012 SAP Italian police officers demonstrate in the streets
26.09.2012 CESP The CESP wrote to the Portuguese Ambassador to the Council of Europe
25.09.2012 CESP Executive Bureau of CESP – Lyon
23.05.2012 CESP/SAP Memorial Day – Per non Dimenticare – Palermo
22.05.2012 CESP/SAP Memorial Day – Per non Dimenticare – Rome
15.05.2012 CESP/SAP Memorial Day – Per Non Dimenticare - Ceremony of Aoste (Italy)
14.05.2012 CESP/SAP Memorial Day – Per Non Dimenticare - Ceremony of Lyon
20.04.2012 CESP CESP - Conférence des OING du Conseil de l'Europe
01.04.2012 CESP/SAP 3rd cycle Trophy of the CESP
29.03.2012 ASFIC/PJ 29th anniversary of ASFIC/PJ
29.03.2012 ASFIC/PJ 3rd Criminal Investigation Congress
21.03.2012 ASPP/PSP Reelection of President Paulo Rodrigues
19.03.2012 CESP FINAL RESOLUTION of the 8th Congress of the C.E.S.P. in Santander (Spain)
05.03.2012 CESP Portugal doesn’t respect the European Social Charter
07.02.2012 INGO 1st European Regional Meetings at the IRTS in Montrouge ‘’Social Rights in crisis?’’
02.02.2012 OING Civil society says no to dumbing down human rights protection in Europe
24.01.2012 OING Election of the members of the Bureau of INGOs Conference of the Council of Europe
07.12.2011 SNOP 6th Congress of the SNOP – Arras (France)
29.11.2011 ASPP/PSP Conference of the ASPP/PSP in Lisbon (Portugal)
23.11.2011 CESP Executive Bureau of the CESP (Lyon)
18.10.2011 CESP 50th anniversary of the European Social Charter
18.10.2011 CESP CESP supports SAP's demonstrations
13.10.2011 MPA Maltese Policemen win right to join a union, but not to strike
20.09.2011 MPA MPA fights for rights to join a union
15.09.2011 CESP / SAP Italian police’s pension system
09.09.2011 MPS Round Table - "Prevention of psycho traumatic conditions of police officers”
06.09.2011 CESP Ukraine become member of CESP
30.08.2011 CESP Visit of the Police Academy of Chablais (Switzerland)
11.07.2011 CESP Six members of the Cyprus Police Association killed in an explosion.
28.06.2011 CESP Collective complaint CESP against France
21.06.2011 OING Elections of the Chairs and Vice-chairs of the committees of the Conference of INGOs
24.06.2011 CESP Reply of he European Commission about Final Resolution of the Executive Committee of Budva.
23.05.2011 SAP Per non Dimenticare - SAP
14.05.2011 CESP CESP supports Andreas Symeou in Nicosia
06.05.2011 CESP 27th Executive Committee of CESP
08.04.2011 CESP Seminar “Health protection and professional diseases in the police forces ‘’ Vrnjacka banja (Serbia)
03.04.2011 CESP / SAP Bicyclist race in Cervia (Italy) – 6th Trophy of the SAP and 2nd Trophy of the CESP
21.03.2011 CESP Work visits in Montenegro and in Albania
01.03.2011 CESP New Head office of CESP
18.01.2011 ASFIC/PJ Demonstration of the ASFIC/PJ in Lisbon (Portugal)
14.01.2011 CESP Meeting with the Kaunas County Police Union in Lithuania
15.12.2010 CESP Adhesion to CESP
19.11.2010 CESP The EUPM and the police trade unions in Bosnia and Herzegovina
17.11.2010 CESP The CESP questions the Portuguese Government
16.11.2010 INGO In the heart of the Reform of the Council of Europe
15.11.2010 IPTU The claims of Serbian police union recognized by the Serbian Government
04.11.2010 PSS The End of Police strike in Slovenia
22.10.2010 MPS 5th Congress of MPS (FYROM)
21.10.2010 CESP The Conference of the INGO in danger
07.10.2010 MPS Demonstration of the MPS
24.09.2010 PRO LEX The Romanian Policemen protested against the decrease of the normal life standard
23.09.2010 CESP / ANPV 23 to 25.09.2010 – The Hague (Nederlands) The CESP/ANPV-Iuvare European Learning Program.
28.06.2010 CESP AISG interviews the Secretary General of CESP
18.06.2010 PSS 20th anniversary of PSS
16.06.2010 CESP Executive Committee of the CESP
19.05.2010 SAP Day – Per Non Dimenticare (SAP/CESP) Aosta (Italy)
04.05.2010 SPP 17th Congress of SPP – Alicante (Spain)
11.04.2010 CESP/SAP 1st bicyclist Trophy of the CESP in Cervia (Italy)
27.03.2010 ASFIC/PJ 6th Congress of the ASFIC/PJ in Lisboa (Portugal)
18.03.2010 CESP Collective Complaint n°60/2010 European Council of Police Trade Union (CESP) Versus Portugal.
22.02.2010 USPFBiH Demonstration in Bosnia & Herzegowina
28.01.2010 SNOP SNOP wins the Professional elections of the Officers with 10% more.
03.12.2009 CESP Three Serbian police officers of IPTU finally restored in job
28.11.2009 FRSZ 20th Anniversary of FRSZ, Budapest (Hungary)
23.11.2009 CESP “Children in danger, Families in danger”, Warsaw (Poland)
16.10.2009 CESP Executive Committee of St. Julian’s (Malta)
14.10.2009 ASPP/PSP New Professional Statute approved by Act 299/2009, 14th October
06.10.2009 BDK Klaus Jansen reelected as BDK`s President
14.09.2009 CESP - SNOP Indemnification of supplementary hours and European Complaints: the SNOP goes ahead
27.07.2009 CESP COE - The Secretary General of the Council of Europe, Mr. Terry Davis, answers to CESP about the attack of Bilbao (Spain).
02.07.2009 ASPP/PSP Police Officers continue the struggle for a new Professional Statute
19.06.2009 CESP CESP greets the declaration of the Secretary General of the COE
21.05.2009 ASPP/PSP Portuguese Police Officers delivered hats in front of official PM residence
21.05.2009 ASPP/PSP Portuguese Police Officers invade Lisbon.
19.05.2009 SAP/CESP Per non Dimenticare - Memorial Day
15.05.2009 CESP "The Economic Crisis"
13.05.2009 CESP Collective complaint
05.05.2009 CESP Athen May 5th and 6th in 2009
25.03.2009 ASPP/PSP The President and the Secretary General of the CESP, in presence of a delegation of the ASPP/PSP...
25.03.2009 ASFIC/PJ "The methods of criminal investigation – Obtaining and preserving the proof"
05.03.2009 CESP CESP's official visit in Montenegro
16.02.2009 CESP Collective Complaint n°54/2008 European Council of Police Trade Union (CESP) Versus France.
29.01.2009 OING Conference of the INGOs
09.01.2009 CESP 8 and 9.01.2009 - CESP Executive Bureau Lyon
09.01.2009 CESP The Statute of Executive of the French Police Officers put under the microscope of the Council of Europe
09.12.2008 SNOP 9 to 12.12.2008 5th Congress of SNOP
01.12.2008 CESP Petition against France
14.11.2008 CESP Europa Conference – Limoges (France)
23.10.2008 CESP 7th Congress of the CESP
13.10.2008 CESP The President and the Secretary-General of the CESP are in Serbia from 13 to 16 October.
28.09.2008 BDK 40th anniversary of the BDK
19.09.2008 MPS MPS Sport Games
04.06.2008 CESP “Fighting the Mafia”
29.05.2008 CESP “Is Terrorism the real problem?”
13.05.2008 CESP/SAP Per non Dimenticare – Memorial Day
14.02.2008 CESP The CESP with the Council of Europe
23.01.2008 IPTU IPTU, Action of the CESP with the Council of Europe
17.01.2008 CESP IPTU Serbian police officers heavily sanctioned
12.01.2008 CPA Demonstration of CPA in Nicosia

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