04.10.2006 - CESP

Autumn Session of the INGOs of the Council of Eu

The Secretary-General of the CESP participated in the Autumn Session of the Conference of the INGOs of the Council of Europe which took place from 4 to 6 October in Strasbourg.
On this occasion, a Resolution was adopted by the Conference of the INGOs denouncing the present violence being sometimes experienced until the death against people because of their opinions, writings or artistic works or of they work on behalf of the community.

The CESP informed the INGOs of the introduction to the Committee of Social Rights of a collective Complaint (Nr 37/2006 of September 25th, 2006) against Portugal - at the request of the ASFIC / PJ - for the violation of articles Nr 4 paragraphs 1 and 2 and Nr 6 paragraphs 1 and 2 of the revised European Social Charter.

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