08.06.2005 - CESP

Meetings at the European Commission:

On 8th and 9thJune, a delegation of the CESP formed with the President, the Secretary-General and the President of the ANPV Dutch police trade union met in Brussels the members of the European Commission (Employment and Social Affairs - Justice, Freedom and Security).

They took part in a first meeting with Mr. JARAB, in charge for the Fundamental Rights, the free movements of workers and the civil Society -member of the cabinet of the Commissioner, Mr Vladimir SPIDLA.

The delegation pointed out that certain European governments still do not respect completely the revised European Social Charter and more exactly the policemen’s exercise of trade-union rights.

The CESP, a non-Governmental International Organization, took due note of the Commissioner’s declarations to work in partnership with the civil society (sic).

The CESP is ready to participate in this work and proposed to the Police Commissioner to be a committed and efficient actor of this collaboration.

A second meeting took place with Mr. SALAZAR, in charge of the interior Security and the penal Justice near Mr. the Commissioner Franco FRATTINI

The C.E.S.P. underlined the European policemen’s expectations after the enlargement of the European space.

Indeed, if we can be pleased with freedom of movement of the citizens in Europe, however we should not forget that this new space offer new possibilities of quick development to the crime on the whole and mainly to the organized crime and terrorism.

The C.E.S.P. is very much aware of the difficulties still to be solved as regards to the European judicial and police cooperation. However it exhorts the governments of the 25 European countries to give up the politics of the "small steps". It underlines that without a real political impulse and a clearly shown message, cooperation will be long in setting up on the ground and won't answer to the risks relating to terrorism and the organized crime.

The CESP adopts as it’s own Mr. FRATTINI’s following declaration : "Europe can and must represent an added value in the field of justice, freedom and security"

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