14.01.2004 - CESP

Forum Mission Europa 2004

Last 14th January in Lausanne (Switzerland) the President and the Secretary General of the CESP took part in the Forum « Face to violence: the ethics of the police» organised by Mission Europa in partnership with the CESP.

This forum was organised in the buildings of the Lausanne Hotel of Police, in the forms of workshops:

Workshop devoted to the «  Principle of the ethics », by the Professor Jean-François MALHERBE, Philosopher and Ethicien of the University of Sherbrooke (Canada).
Workshop devoted to « the applied ethics » by the Major Pierre-Alain RAEMY and M. Patrice BOILAT.
Workshop devoted to « the criminal violence » by M. Jean-Paul LABORDE, Director of the Service of Prevention of the Terrorism at the United Nations Office against the Drug and the Crime.
Workshop devoted to « the violence in the every day life » by M. Gerard GRENERON Secretary General of the European Council of Police Trade Unions .
A Workshop devoted to « the fight against the crime and civil liberties »  by the Professor E. GRISEL of the University of Lausanne.

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