Last 28th January, the President, the Secretary-General and the Treasurer of the CESP visited the French-German Centre of Police and Customs Co-operation in Kehl (Germany) near Strasbourg.
They were received by the co-ordinators of the Centre, Kriminaloberrat Bernd BELLE and the Chief Police Jean-Jacques WILLEM who exposed them the missions of the centre and presented its organisation.
This centre which works 24h / 24h collects, analyses, exchanges and diffuses information according to a common standard as far as the prevention of the risks and the crime in the border zone are concerned.
The members who participate in this common Centre come:
For the German part: from the police of Baden-Wurtemberg, the police of Rhineland-Palatinate, the federal Body of protection of the borders, the federal Administration of customs, and for certain cases from the police of the Saar and the Liaison officers.
For the French part: from the national police force: central Direction of the Criminal Investigation Department, central Direction of the public order, central Direction of the police at the borders, from the national gendarmerie and the customs.