21.04.2004 - ASPP-PSP

EURO 2004 : The CESP with the ASPP-PSP demonstrates in the streets of Lisbon

Press release of April 23, 2004

On April 21, 2004 Rafael GASSO, President of the European Council of Police Unions (19 police union organisations in 18 European countries, representing 280 000 policemen) and Gérard GRENERON - the Secretary-General -, demonstrated in the streets of Lisbon together with the President of the ASPP-PSP and 5 000 policemen.

The goal of the demonstration was to denounce the daily working conditions and the absence of the technical means promised by the Portuguese Government for the Euro 2004.

On April 22, a press conference was held at the Council of Europe on the measures of security and prevention face to violence, taken on the occasion of the Euro 2004, in the presence of the Portuguese Minister for the Interior Administration, Paulo GOMES.

Antonio Laranjo - Director of the Euro 2004 -  : “If we want that soccer is closer to people, it is necessary that the security is to the maximum"... "Besides, one cannot put a price on the security."
The positive balance displayed during this conference and the declarations made by the Portuguese Authorities "strangely" contrast with the ground reality lived by the Portuguese policemen and noted by a workgroup of the CESP.

Thus, last March 19, the Secretary-General of the CESP and two Dutch police officers of the ANPV union (member of the CESP) - Mrs Ron TOURNIER and Mikail PENNINGS -(specialist policemen of the Euro 2000), visited different police premises in Oporto and discussed with ground policemen.
They observed the great insufficiency - or even the total absence - of facilities adapted to the Euro 2004 and, more largely, to the normal and daily exercise of police missions confided to the PSP.

The European Council of Police Unions - determined to see this situation evolving quickly - didn't keep silent on what it noticed and informed the European Athletic Authorities about it (President of the Soccer federations, UEFA) as well as the national Authorities (Home Secretaries) of the countries participating in the Euro 2004.
The CESP raises the question : Who lies to whom ?

The Secretary-General of the CESP

(C) 2004 - All rights reserved

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