25.07.2007 - USSPF BiH

25 July 2007 - Representatives from all Police Trade Unions in BiH (including USPF BiH member of the CESP) gathered at the EUPM Headquarters on 24 and 25 July to start working towards a General Framework/Collective Agreement for all police employees in the country.

After a one-day seminar, the first Working Group, consisting of six selected members, gathered on 25 July. It was chaired by Simonetta Silvestri, Head of EUPM’s Police Restructuring Department with the input of Gérard Greneron, Secretary general of the European Council of Police Trade Unions (CESP).

“The idea is to have as much as possible in common in order to harmonize the police employment system throughout BiH,” Head of EUPM Brigadier General Vincenzo

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