Syndicat National
des Officiers de Police

- Bureau National -
55, rue de Lyon – 75012 PARIS
Tel 01 44 67 83 30 7
Fax 01 44 67 84 20  
    Paris, le 23 Janvier 2006 

Dear Sir,

The European Council of Police Union - representing 18 unions in Europe - and the SNOP, founder member, would like to draw your attention on the propositions of the European Commission concerning the SIS of second generation.

The reading of the file presented by Mr. Robert del PICCHIA, Senator, in the name of the delegation for the European Union of the Senate, particularly kept our attention and leads us to show you our great concern.

Thus, if some measures considered by the Commission represent interesting progress (transmission of mandates of arrest, access to the SIS at the Europol and Eurojust) it is not the case as for the 2 following precise points:

the architecture and the management of the future system.
The Commission proposes the creation of a new agency and -during the three years that will precede this creation- the management of the SIS by the Commission.

We note that the announced cost is not only very important but it does not bring any security of better working than the current central system implemented in Strasbourg. This last one could be leveled to the requirements of the enlargement.

The fight against the transnational criminality and the illegal immigration.
It is indeed the subject which worries us more. Thus the Commission considers the modification of the article 96 of the Convention for the application of the Schengen agreements.

The proposals of the Commission, if they were to be kept, would have for effect to limit the access of the SIS to the border services only.
This measure would slow down, or make it impossible in some cases, the daily work of the police officers in the field of illegal immigration.

In addition, the Commission proposes that any person being the subject of a description to the SIS should be informed of it. It appears to us paradoxical enough to have to officially inform a person of the police forces’ particular attention. This is why we share the concerns of the Senators completely and support the proposals contained in their resolution of December 14, 2005.

Looking forward reading you on this file followed by the CESP and the SNOP

Sincerely yours,

Dominique ACHISPON
Secrétaire Général du SNOP

Secrétaire Général du CESP

Monsieur Nicolas SARKOZY
Ministre d’Etat, Ministre de l’Intérieur
et de l’aménagement d territoire
Place Beauvau

75800 – PARIS CEDEX  

Printable version

23.01.2006 - CESP
09.02.2006 - CESP - ASPP-PSP