Executive Committee at Nicosia
Last 9th and 10th May 2003 the Executive Committee of the European Council of Police Trade Union was held at the International Conference Centre of Nicosia in Cyprus.
The sixty present delegates have welcomed the adhesion of the Algemene Nederlandse Politie Vereniging (autonomous Union of the police of Netherlands) bringing thus to nineteen the number of representative Union members of the C.E.S.P.
The excellent organisation offered by Cyprus Association Police has allowed works of very good quality leading to the following final resolution :
“The European Council of Police Trade Union (C.E.S.P.), a non-governmental organisation within the Council of Europe which gathers 3OO.OOO policemen belonging to 18 different countries, held its Executive Committee at Nicosia on 9th and 10th May 2OO3.
We welcome in the family of the C.E.S.P. the A.N.P.V., our colleagues from Netherlands who have just adhered to our organisation.
The C.E.S.P. expresses its major concern towards European governments which want to reduce the social rights of the European police officers as regards retirement by pushing back the age of it and by reducing its financial amount as well as the social security benefits.
The C.E.S.P. cannot accept this social flashback and supports the initiatives of all its members in their national actions organised on these topics.
The C.E.S.P. reminds its concern towards the increasing threat of the organised crime, which is a weakening factor for the Democracy, as regards human trade for sexual exploitation.
It deeply regrets the absence of harmonisation of the legislative and legal European rules on this subject.
The C.E.S.P. strongly wishes that a European position be clearly defined for police forces as regards use of weapons.
The C.E.S.P. again underlines its firm judgement against any form of terrorism and requires that European governments resolutely fight it.
The C.E.S.P. requires that a solution to the Cypriot problem be found quickly, this problem persists since the military intervention and the Turkish occupation of 1974.
The C.E.S.P. claims that all the European police officers could enjoy all their union rights in accordance with the provisions of articles 5 and 6 of the modified European Social Charter.”