Colloque Euro 2004

On 19 March 2004, the ASPP-PSP (Association Syndicale des Professionnels de la Police de la Sécurité Publique) organised at Oporto a colloquium relating to the security for the Euro 2004 “Qualidade da Segurança” in the presence of 400 policemen and of Portuguese Officials.

The Secretary General of the CESP and two Dutch policemen of the ANPV Mr. Ron TOURNIER and Maikel PENNINGS (specialist of the Euro 2000) took part in statements and in debates.

Before the holding of this conference, they have visited various premises of Oporto Police forces together with the persons in charge for the ASPP-PSP and were in a position to notice the great insufficiency, even the total absence, of facilities adapted to the Euro 2004 and more extensively to the normal and daily exercise of the missions of police entrusted to the PSP.

Maikel PENNINGS, member of a special unit “fire and teargas” during the Euro 2000, noted the scarcity of specialised facilities adapted to the protection of the staffs as well as the maladjustment of the materials of intervention

The European Council of Police Trade Unions – determined to see this situation evolving quickly – does not keep the silence on what it noted and informs the European sports authorities of this fact as well as the national authorities of the countries participating in the Euro 2004

Printable version

21.04.2004 - ASPP-PSP
28.01.2004 - CESP